Get involved in TWO steps


President Biden has the power to publish the Equal Rights Amendment right now. He doesn’t need Congress. He doesn’t need the Courts. Sign on to our open letter pressuring him to live up to his self-proclaimed title of “Reproductive Rights Champion” and put us in the Constitution. Let him know that young people are thinking of his action (or lack thereof) on the ERA when we vote this November.

2) Become an Official Member of The party.

We are a membership-based organization. Although our events and actions are open to all, members receive access to movement-wide communication channels, resources and supports, and opportunities to organize. Membership is free–join today!


Queer & Trans Youth for Prop #1 Phone Bank

Queer & Trans Youth for Prop #1 Phone Bank

Join Young Feminist Party organizers from across the movement at a fundraising hub to garner the resources we need to fuel our youth-led movement for gender justice! Open to all.

Fundraising Hubs are spaces for folks across our movement to chip in on fundraising efforts. Open to all, hubs will walk attendees through a particular fundraising tactic (10 mins), allow time for people to complete a task related to the tactic (50 mins), and then debrief how folks can continue this fundraising in their chapter or a personal capacity (15 mins).

Chapter members are highly encouraged to use these spaces to fundraise for their chapters! Per our democratic guidelines, 20% of all funds raised by chapters will be directed to the national organization. Individual volunteers not associated with a chapter will fundraise for the national organization.

From the local to federal level, we have lots planned to advance the Equal Rights Amendment and gender justice. From state-wide lobby days, to a national convening, to local rallies, and more, we need the funds to make our organizing dreams a reality. Join us at a fundraising hub!

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Youth for NY Prop #1 Weekly Phone Banks

Youth for NY Prop #1 Weekly Phone Banks

This November, New Yorkers will vote on Prop #1, the New York State Equal Rights Amendment, to protect sex equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and abortion access directly in the New York State Constitution.

Join the Young Feminist Party for bi-weekly phone banks in the lead-up to election day in New York. We will call voters, share campaign updates, and help young folks organize our communities to defend our rights. As the election approaches, our phone banks will become weekly hubs for youth action and organizing.

Join our kick-off on August 27th to kick off the youth movement for constitutional sex equality in New York! In addition to calling New York voters, we will explain how you can educate your peers on Prop #1 as school begins through our Youth for Prop #1 Welcome Week initiative.

Sign up today then invite three friends! Reach out to with questions or ideas.

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Phonebanking for Yes on 4 Florida

Phonebanking for Yes on 4 Florida

Politicians made abortion illegal in Florida after 6-weeks but our generation will have the final say this November!

Join Yes on 4 Florida and the Young Feminist Party for a bi-weekly phonebank aimed at calling and texting voters to inform them of our campaign and help us ensure we reach the 60% "YES" threshold to protect abortion access in FL.

REGISTER for more instructions!


Los políticos ilegalizaron el aborto en Florida después de 6 semanas, ¡pero nuestra generación tendrá la última palabra este noviembre!

Únete a Yes on 4 Florida para un phonebank destinado a llamar y enviar mensajes de texto a los votantes para informarles de nuestra campaña y ayudarnos a asegurar que alcanzamos el umbral del 60% de "SÍ" para proteger el acceso al aborto en FL.

¡REGÍSTRATE para obtener más instrucciones!

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YFP Phone Bank for AZ Prop #139 (w/ FREE UberEats Voucher!)

YFP Phone Bank for AZ Prop #139 (w/ FREE UberEats Voucher!)

Abortion is on the ballot in Arizona THIS November. On November 5th, voters will directly vote on Prop 139–a ballot measure to protect the right to abortion up to fetal viability. Join the Young Feminist Party of Arizona to phone-bank new voters to empower them to vote YES on Prop 139.

The best part? All participants receive a $20 Uber Eats voucher upon completion of the phone-bank. Let's break bread together and empower our community to protect abortion.

Right now, Arizona is living under a restrictive 15-week abortion ban. Just a few months ago, the state Supreme Court allowed a near-total abortion ban from 1864 to go into effect. Although the ban was defeated, for now, we can't allow our right to abortion to be up for debate. Prop 139 would ensure that abortion access is protected for all Arizonans.

No experience needed. Invite friends to join!

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YFP Election Training: Canvassing & Campus Mobilization

YFP Election Training: Canvassing & Campus Mobilization

Abortion is directly on the ballot in TEN states this November. 🗳️

Every voter & every conversation will be crucial to win back our constitutional right to abortion. That's why the Young Feminist Party is equipping young people with the tools they need to organize their local communities & campuses to turn out the pro-abortion vote. 📢

Join us for our "Canvassing & Campus Mobilization" training on Thursday, October 10th, at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT to learn how you can talk to folks on-the-ground in your local community about pro-abortion ballot initiatives. We will cover door-to-door canvassing, crowd canvassing, and different tactics to engage your peers on campus. You don't want to miss it! 💥

Reach out to with any questions or ideas.

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YFP Election Training: How to Host a Phone Bank

YFP Election Training: How to Host a Phone Bank

Abortion is directly on the ballot in TEN states this November. 🗳️

Every voter & every conversation will be crucial to win back our constitutional right to abortion. That's why the Young Feminist Party is equipping young people with the tools they need to organize a phone bank in their communities & turn folks out to vote YES on pro-abortion ballot initiatives. ☎️

If you don't live in a state where abortion is on the ballot–no worries! You can organize a phone bank anywhere and call folks in a state where it is. We will help you figure all of this out and more at our "How to Host a Feminist Phone Bank" training on Tuesday, October 8th, at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT. Come learn all about how YOU can organize a phone bank and build support for abortion on the ballot. ☂️

Reach out to with any questions or ideas.

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Phonebanking for Yes on 4 Florida

Phonebanking for Yes on 4 Florida

Politicians made abortion illegal in Florida after 6-weeks but our generation will have the final say this November!

Join Yes on 4 Florida and the Young Feminist Party for a bi-weekly phonebank aimed at calling and texting voters to inform them of our campaign and help us ensure we reach the 60% "YES" threshold to protect abortion access in FL.

REGISTER for more instructions!


Los políticos ilegalizaron el aborto en Florida después de 6 semanas, ¡pero nuestra generación tendrá la última palabra este noviembre!

Únete a Yes on 4 Florida para un phonebank destinado a llamar y enviar mensajes de texto a los votantes para informarles de nuestra campaña y ayudarnos a asegurar que alcanzamos el umbral del 60% de "SÍ" para proteger el acceso al aborto en FL.

¡REGÍSTRATE para obtener más instrucciones!

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Phonebanking for Yes on 4 Florida

Phonebanking for Yes on 4 Florida

Politicians made abortion illegal in Florida after 6-weeks but our generation will have the final say this November!

Join Yes on 4 Florida and the Young Feminist Party for a bi-weekly phonebank aimed at calling and texting voters to inform them of our campaign and help us ensure we reach the 60% "YES" threshold to protect abortion access in FL.

REGISTER for more instructions!


Los políticos ilegalizaron el aborto en Florida después de 6 semanas, ¡pero nuestra generación tendrá la última palabra este noviembre!

Únete a Yes on 4 Florida para un phonebank destinado a llamar y enviar mensajes de texto a los votantes para informarles de nuestra campaña y ayudarnos a asegurar que alcanzamos el umbral del 60% de "SÍ" para proteger el acceso al aborto en FL.

¡REGÍSTRATE para obtener más instrucciones!

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Phonebanking for Yes on 4 Florida

Phonebanking for Yes on 4 Florida

Politicians made abortion illegal in Florida after 6-weeks but our generation will have the final say this November!

Join Yes on 4 Florida and the Young Feminist Party for a bi-weekly phonebank aimed at calling and texting voters to inform them of our campaign and help us ensure we reach the 60% "YES" threshold to protect abortion access in FL.

REGISTER for more instructions!


Los políticos ilegalizaron el aborto en Florida después de 6 semanas, ¡pero nuestra generación tendrá la última palabra este noviembre!

Únete a Yes on 4 Florida para un phonebank destinado a llamar y enviar mensajes de texto a los votantes para informarles de nuestra campaña y ayudarnos a asegurar que alcanzamos el umbral del 60% de "SÍ" para proteger el acceso al aborto en FL.

¡REGÍSTRATE para obtener más instrucciones!

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Phonebanking for Yes on 4 Florida

Phonebanking for Yes on 4 Florida

Politicians made abortion illegal in Florida after 6-weeks but our generation will have the final say this November!

Join Yes on 4 Florida and the Young Feminist Party for a bi-weekly phonebank aimed at calling and texting voters to inform them of our campaign and help us ensure we reach the 60% "YES" threshold to protect abortion access in FL.

REGISTER for more instructions!


Los políticos ilegalizaron el aborto en Florida después de 6 semanas, ¡pero nuestra generación tendrá la última palabra este noviembre!

Únete a Yes on 4 Florida para un phonebank destinado a llamar y enviar mensajes de texto a los votantes para informarles de nuestra campaña y ayudarnos a asegurar que alcanzamos el umbral del 60% de "SÍ" para proteger el acceso al aborto en FL.

¡REGÍSTRATE para obtener más instrucciones!

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Training: ERA as an Election Issue

Training: ERA as an Election Issue

Elections are crucial times to build support for issues & put pressure on elected officials to deliver wins for our movements. In 2024, with a worsening abortion crisis & unprecedented legislative attacks on LGBTQ+ youth, we must use this moment to push for constitutional sex equality & build public awareness of the ERA.

Join us for training on how to leverage election season to advance the Equal Rights Amendment. In this training, we will cover:

  1. How to use the election as a pressure point to advance legislative action on the ERA this Congress & presidential term.

  2. How to get candidates & DNC delegates to commit to supporting the publication of the ERA on their platforms.

  3. How to use campaign events & opportunities (town halls, rallies, etc.) to build public awareness of the ERA.

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Training: Gender Justice on the Ballot

Training: Gender Justice on the Ballot

Abortion and constitutional sex equality are literally on the ballot this year. In at least five states, voters will directly vote on enshrining abortion protections in their state constitutions. One of these states, New York, will vote on the adoption of a state-level Equal Rights Amendment. Abortion and the ERA are also on the ballot in the sense that we must elect gender justice champions on ALL levels of government to defend & expand our reproductive freedoms.

That's why young people have to be ready to organize our communities to vote FOR gender justice champions and vote YES on sex equality protections in our state constitutions. This training will teach you just how to do that. In this training, we will cover:

  1. The ballot initiatives being voted on in November & our movement-wide strategy to win abortion protections in red states while turning out the vote to elect state & federal leaders who will fight for abortion justice.

  2. Organizing voter contact events such as phone banks, canvasses, text banks, and community events to reach voters, whether you live in a state voting on abortion or are supporting out-of-state.

  3. Utilizing relational organizing, the proven most effective form of voter outreach, to educate your family, friends, & network on how to vote for reproductive justice measures & candidates, & how to help others do the same.

  4. How to leverage the power of art, social media, & other communications avenues to build support for ballot initiatives & reproductive justice champions in your community.

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Young Feminist Press Launch Call

Young Feminist Press Launch Call

Say hello to the Young Feminist Press–our new online publication to report on our movement, amplify our stories, and uplift our community. 👋☂️

The Young Feminist Press is a publication for young feminists, by young feminists. Moreover, it's a home for up-and-coming young feminist journalists. We're creating an outlet to keep our finger on the pulse of everything from grassroots feminist actions across the country to tracking key political developments in our movement to everything in between. We'll share out a variety of multimedia content (videos, art, writing, and more!) to connect and engage young people from all parts of our movement.

We're calling on feminist writers, editors, and creatives to join the Press and be the vanguard for feminist news, networking, and community-building. Sign up for the Young Feminist Press' Launch Call on April 4th at 7:30PM ET to learn more about how you can get involved.

Reach out to with any questions!

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March All Movement Call

March All Movement Call

Abortion rights are under attack. Since Dobbs, millions of Americans have seen their fundamental rights stolen for the first time in their lifetimes. From extreme abortion bans to unjust criminalization of abortion seekers, it is just the beginning. On March 26th, the Supreme Court is hearing a case that will determine the future of mifepristone access. On April 24th, the Court will hear a case on emergency abortion procedures.

Our March All Movement Call is coming just two days after the mifepristone hearing–where we'll be on the ground–and will be a space dedicated to having an urgent conversation about abortion access and how young people will organize to defend it. We've got a plan, and we need you to be a part of it. Sign up to join us on THURSDAY, March 28th at 8 PM ET to be a part of this crucial conversation and shape the youth strategy.

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Feminist Campus Network: Post-Mifepristone Action Debrief

Feminist Campus Network: Post-Mifepristone Action Debrief

Join us on Tuesday, March 26th, to rally for abortion access then participate in an urgent young feminist convening at the National Organization for Women HQ to debrief, strategize, & community-build.

On March 26th, SCOTUS will hear oral arguments on Mifepristone (mife) access. Mife, aka the abortion pill, is the first of two drugs used in medication abortion. In 2020, medication abortions accounted for more than half of all abortion procedures. Stripping the right to access mife would be catastrophic for people who are seeking reproductive care across the country. We cannot let another fundamental right be taken away from us.

In the morning, we will join the Women's March, Planned Parenthood, ACLU, and more to rally outside of SCOTUS to demand the preservation of our access to Mifepristone. Then, we are hosting a community space for young feminists at the headquarters of the National Organization for Women. Together, we will discuss how we can organize for abortion access on campus, how the ERA is the solution to the abortion crisis, & how to create a young feminist coalition across the DMV area.

Whether you're an organization lead, campus organizer, or an individual activist, we want you to join us.

Email with questions.

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Creative Action Collective Launch Call

Creative Action Collective Launch Call

Calling all creatively-oriented organizers and protest artists 🎨📣🚨: the first-ever Creative Action Collective Launch Meeting is THIS Monday, March 25th at 7:30PM CT/ 8:30PM ET.

Become a part of a collaborative community inspiring, supporting, and spearheading art-based initiatives within the movement and creating protest art resources for our organizers! We will be brainstorming new action art possibilities and talking through the beginning steps, including electing leaders to help guide the collective. All types of artists, creatives, and organizers are welcome to join- no artistic experience is required!

Reach out to with any questions!

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Fundraising Hub

Fundraising Hub

Join Young Feminist Party organizers from across the movement at a fundraising hub to garner the resources we need to fuel our youth-led movement for gender justice! Open to all.

Fundraising Hubs are spaces for folks across our movement to chip in on fundraising efforts. Open to all, hubs will walk attendees through a particular fundraising tactic (10 mins), allow time for people to complete a task related to the tactic (50 mins), and then debrief how folks can continue this fundraising in their chapter or a personal capacity (15 mins).

Chapter members are highly encouraged to use these spaces to fundraise for their chapters! Per our democratic guidelines, 20% of all funds raised by chapters will be directed to the national organization. Individual volunteers not associated with a chapter will fundraise for the national organization.

From the local to federal level, we have lots planned to advance the Equal Rights Amendment and gender justice. From state-wide lobby days, to a national convening, to local rallies, and more, we need the funds to make our organizing dreams a reality. Join us at a fundraising hub!

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